Comptes rendus Physique de l'Académie des sciences

Come to publish the special issue of the Comptes rendus Physique de l'Académie des Sciences composed of articles selected by the Scientific Committee of the 2016 workshop:

Energy and Radio Science / Energie et radiosciences

Tome 18, fascicule 2, pages 73-188 (February 2017)
Coordinators : Smaïl Tedjini, Apostolos Georgiadis 



Radio Science


March 15-16 2016

Campus de Rennes 

Cesson Sévigné



The URSI-France 2016 Workshop, held under the sponsoring of the French Academy of Sciences, was dedicated to "Energy and Radio Science". The workshop has been held at CentraleSupélec, avenue de la Boulaie, Cesson-Sévigné, Ille et Vilaine, on March 15 and 16, 2016.

Without energy, nothing is possible. Energy is the catalyst of all natural phenomena and comes in a variety of forms. One of its fundamental properties is its indestructibility. It can't be created, it can't disappear, but it can be converted from one form to another. Electromagnetic energy is one of its most remarkable forms as it is transmitted wirelessly and the universe is filled with it.

In our modern societies, energy remains the engine of our applications and uses, although the methodologies and technologies for harvesting, storing, transporting, converting the energy and its exploitation have experienced major evolutions in the last decades. In the domain of radio science and information society, new technologies are less and less energy greedy. Remote power and energy harvesting methods are complementing batteries and eventually replace them. Nevertheless, an overall evaluation of the power consumption of digital systems is to draw up and put into perspective with innovative solutions. The ambient energy in its various forms, solar, radio waves, thermal, kinetic..., is an endless and renewable resource that should enable the development of green technologies and the implementation of new paradigms.

In this evolving context, both in terms of technologies and concepts, URSI France has devoted its Workshop 2016 to the topic "Energy and Radio Science". On this Workshop, we are reviewed the techniques for electromagnetic energy harvesting, conversion, storage, optimal management... The presentations have covered both basic and conceptual aspects as well as technological developments and applications. The JS16 was organized around the topics hereinafter, but the list was not exhaustive.


  • Energy Harvesting 
  • Low Power Radiocommunications 
  • Wireless Power Transfer 
  • Components and Systems for the Energy in Radio Science 
  • Management-Storage-Optimisation of Energy Resource
  • Energy in Digital Systems
  • ...

Invited speakers

  • Dr. Sébastien BOISSEAU (CEA, Grenoble, France), Energy harvesting for connected objects – Unleashing the IoT
  • Prof. Jean Charles BOLOMEY (University Paris Sud, Orsay, France), Genesis of wireless transmissions, Marconi versus Tesla
  • Dr. Anne-Cécile ORGERIE (IRISA, Rennes, France), Green computing and sustainability
  • Dr. Leopold SUMMERER (European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands), Space Solar Power, activities and progress
  • Prof. Christian VOLLAIRE (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France), Autonomous DC-DC Converter for RF energy harvesting


Tuesday 15 March 2016


9h30 – 10h30

Welcome to participants + Coffee




Opening Session 2016



  • Genesis of wireless transmissions, Marconi versus Tesla, Jean-Charles Bolomey




Session : « Energy Harvesting by rectennas »

Chairs : Emmanuel Bergeret and Jean-Marc Laheurte


  • Rectenna multi-étages Cockcroft-Walton : Application à la récupération d’énergie vibratoire par transduction électrostatique, Z. Saddi etal.
  • Intégration optimisée d’un récupérateur d’énergie additionnel dans un tag RFID UHF passif, D. Allane et al.
  • Réalisation d’un rectenna dans la bande des 1.8 GHz, fonctionnant à faibles niveaux de puissance RF et optimisé par des techniques source-pull, J. Tissier and M. Latrach
  • Cross dipole rectennas for satellite health monitoring, A. Okba et al.
  • Optimal energy harvesting from a stack of serially-connected rectennas, F. Khaled et al.





  • Green computing and sustainability, Anne-Cécile Orgerie




Session : « Management, Optimization of Energy »

Chairs : Yvan Duroc and Yves Louet


  • Exemples d’optimisations énergétiques dans les systèmes radios sans fil, Y. Pousset
  • Mesure de la consommation énergétique des systèmes embarqués communicants, N. Cherifi et al.
  • Nouvelle technique de communication pour les réseaux longue portée basse consommation : optimisation et comparaison, Y. Roth et al.
  • Récepteur de type « wake-up » radio à identification par empreinte fréquentielle, F.D. Hutu et al.
  • Mécanisme des prix pour la gestion de l'énergie dans une structure hiérarchisée, A. Muller and R. Bourdais




Session : « Transfer and Transformation of Energy »

Chairs : Alexandru Takacs and Thierry Taris


  • Near-Field Measurement and Analysis of Noisy Electromagnetic Emissions: Towards Stochastic Energy-Oriented Approaches, S. Wane et al.
  • Limites théoriques et pratiques des antennes superdirectives, A. Haskouet al.
  • Towards Synergy of Wireless Energy Transmission and Communications, S. Nedic
  • Transfert d’énergie électromagnétique en énergie mécanique, via le moment angulaire orbital d’une onde en bande UHF, O. Emileet al.


Visit of the Transmissions Museum - Espace Ferrié


Gala dinner and CNFRS Medal award ceremony
Buses depart from the museum and return to hotels (SNCF Station and Campus)




Wednesday 16 March 2016


8h30 – 9h00


  • Autonomous DC-DC Converter for RF energy harvesting, Christian Vollaire




Session : « Low Power Radiocommunication 1»

Chairs : Laurent Dussopt and Jacques Palicot


  • Limites énergétiques et radiocommunications, J.-Y. Baudais
  • Perspectives offertes par la radio impulsionnelle ultra-large bande pour les Communications Sans-Fil à Courte Portée et Faible Consommation, R. Vauche et al.
  • Modulation Scaling for Energy Efficiency, R. Jaouadiet al.
  • Bayesian Multi-Armed Bandit Based Decision Making Policy for RF Energy Harvesting Enabled Wireless Sensor Nodes, S. Darak et al.
  • Comment bénéficier de la wake-up radio pour les réseaux de capteurs à récupération d’énergie ?, F. Ait Aoudia et al.




Poster Session

Chairs: Christophe Moy and Carlos Bader


Energy efficiency in networks

  • A Low Energy Consumption Wireless Cellular Network, R. Bonnefoi et al.
  • Mesures et modèle énergétique d’un nœud de réseaux de capteurs sans fils, R. Igual-Pérez et al.
  • Cognitive Green Radio for Energy-Aware Communications, M. Naoues et al.
  • On The Energy Efficiency of Hybrid Unicast-Broadcast Networks for Mobile TV Services, P.A. Famet al.
  • Machine Learning for Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Energy Consumption Constraint, N. Modi et al.
  • Toward Energy Proportional Networks, N. Montavont et al.
  • Plateforme de mesure de la consommation énergétique dédiée aux objets communicants, F.D. Hutu et al.


Sensors and wireless systems

  • Human Body Proximity to a Wireless Power Transfer System, M. Koohestani et al.
  • Energy saving in Analog to Digital Convertors: how Multi-Coset Non Uniform sampling scheme can help, Y. Louet and S. Traore
  • Convertisseur RF/DC sans polarisation et à très large bande, pour des applications d'autonomie énergétique de capteurs, J. Tissier and M. Latrach
  • Systèmes d'intervention post-catastrophe : Architecture et énergie, T. Tanzi and Y. Roudier
  • La modulation en ondelettes : une modulation alternative à faible consommation d'énergie, M. Chafii et al.
  • Tag augmenté récupérateur d’énergie pour alimentation autonome d'un capteur de température, D. Allane et al.
  • Performances of rectennas subject to uncertain EM environment, S. Lallechere and B. Ravelo
  • Analyse du système linéaire optimal pour les communications multiporteuses au-delà de la cadence de Nyquist, A. Marquet et al.
  • Spatial Channel Sounder for MU-MIMO Emulation, M.D. Balde et al.
  • Développement de capteurs passifs sans fil pour des applications au génie civil, R. Khalifeh et al.
  • Récupération d’énergie dans la bande RFID UHF pour capteurs connectés, A. Safraou et al.




URSI-France General Assembly





  • Energy harvesting for connected objects – Unleashing the IoT, Sébastien Boisseau




Session : « Low Power Radiocommunication 2»

Chairs : Nathalie Rolland and Christian Person


  • Inter-cell Interference Coordination for Backhaul-aware Small Cell DTX, A. De Domenico and D. Kténas
  • Power Analysis for Automated Adapted Reconfigurable OFDM Transmitter, M.A. Rihaniet al.
  • Performance of low power RFID tags based on modulated backscattering, Z. Mhannaet al.
  • Co-conception hardware / software pour la minimisation de la consommation d'un nœud de capteur dans un réseau zigbee, F. Itoua Engoti et al.





  • Space Solar Power, activities and progress, Leopold Summerer


URSI Prize and closing ceremony



The workshop was held at à CentraleSupélec, Rennes campus, avenue de la Boulaie, Cesson-Sévigné, Ille et Vilaine, on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 March 2016. On the Tuesday, around 12:30 pm, was held the General Assembly of URSI-France

The workshop was organized around oral and poster sessions. Most sessions have been introduced by invited lecturers presenting the state of the art and/or recent developments, followed by communications, which wase selected by the Scientific Committee.

The working languages were French and English.

          1. Committee
          1. Committee

Chaiman: Smail Tedjini, LCIS, Université Grenoble-Alpes
Emmanuel Bergeret, IM2NP, Polytech’ Marseille
Frédérique De Fornel, ICB, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
Yvan Duroc,  Ampere, Lyon 1
Laurent Dussopt, CEA Grenoble
Jean-Marc Laheurte, ESYCOM, Paris-Est Marne la Vallée
Yves Louet, IETR, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Jacques Palicot, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Christian Person, LabSTICC, Telecom-Bretagne, Brest
Nathalie Rolland, IRCICA, Université de Lille 1
Alex Takacs, LAAS, Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
Thierry Taris, IMS, IP Bordeaux

Chairman: Jacques Palicot, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Co-Chairman: Yves Louet, CentraleSupélec, Renne
Carlos Bader, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Karine Bernard, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Frédérique de Fornel, ICB, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon
Vincent Gouldieff, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Joël Hamelin, URSI-France
Christophe Moy, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Malek Naoues, CentraleSupélec, Rennes
Alain Sibille, Télécom ParisTech
Hervé Sizun, URSI-France
Smail Tedjini, LCIS, Université Grenoble-Alpes



Student Award

An URSI prize of 500 euros has been allocated by the Scientific Committee for the best paper presented by a PhD student.

Publications – Éditions


The papers are available online via this website

After selection by the Scientific Committee, some authors will be invited to publish a paper either in a special issue of the “Comptes rendus Physique” of the Academy of Sciences or in the “Revue de l’électricité et de l’électronique” (REE).

Guest editors: Prof. Smaïl Tedjini, Dr. Apostolos Georgiadis